Boarding Agreement Form

Save time when dropping off your pet! Complete your required boarding agreement form online.

Online Forms

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pet(s) before your visit.

Boarding Agreement Form

Owner Information

Pet Information

Please read and check each section below, stating that you understand and agree to our terms.

Requirements to board:

Pets must be healthy. All pets must be no younger than six (6) months old. If pet is under one year old, owner must provide proof from a licensed veterinarian that the pet has had a full series of puppy/kitten CORE vaccines. Elderly pets eight (8) years and older are required to have a Veterinary exam within six(6) months of boarding appointment stating that this animal is healthy enough to board and comply with the following. Cats (1-7 years) are required to have a Veterinary exam within the last twelve (12) months, be current on FVRCP & Rabies vaccines, cat must be flea free AND be on a flea prevention medication. Dogs (1-7 years) are required to have a Veterinary exam within the last twelve (12) months, be current on DAPP, & Rabies vaccines, Bordetella must have been given within the previous six (6) months, dog must be flea & tick free AND be on a flea prevention medication. If at any time, while in our care, your pet is found to have fleas or tick, we will provide flea or tick prevention at an additional charge. For the safety of your pet, we strongly recommend vaccinating, and applying flea & tick prevention two weeks prior to your boarding appointment. If your pet is not current, we may administer the vaccines at Baseline Animal Hospital IF your pet is dropped off BEFORE 11am Tuesday thru Saturday.

Service Terms:

We agree to provide board and care for your pet as indicated on your plan that will be filled out for each of your pet’s visit with us. There is staff on premise only Monday thru Sunday from 8am – 5pm. There is a Veterinarian on premise Monday thru Saturday during posted business hours only. Reservations are accepted, but not guaranteed without verification of Baseline requirements herein. If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify us at least two(2) days prior to your reservation.

Pet Health & Behavior Terms:

We reserve the right to refuse a pet at check-in for any reason, including but not limited to: if the pet appears to be sick, injured, in pain or that its behavior could jeopardize the health or safety of other pets or our staff. If it is determined after you drop off your pet, that the pet is ill or has an illness not identified when you dropped off the pet or in the unlikely event that your pet becomes ill or injured, or if your pet has a pre-existing health concern that is aggravated by it stay & requires professional attention, we will attempt to notify you or your representative. If we cannot reach any of you, we will immediately send the pet to Baseline Animal Hospital for treatment and any fees incurred will be your responsibility. In cases we believe to be critical, we may take your pet for treatment first before trying to contact you. In the event that we cannot reach your or your representative, we will make healthcare decisions for your pet based on the recommendations of available Veterinary professionals. In the case of a life threatening emergency, we have the authority to transport your pet to MarQueen Pet Emergency & Specialty. In the event we contact you, and treatment is refused, you or your representative will need to fill out an Against Medical Advice (AMA) stating that you are declining the treatment recommended for your pet by the veterinarian and you will be required to pick up your pet within one (1) hour of refusal. Or, if your pet becomes aggressive and not manageable, you or your representative will be required to pick up your pet within one (1) hour. All pets coming into our boarding facility are required to be vaccinated. However, it is still possible for a pet to become ill, even if vaccinated. You understand this risk and agree that Baseline Animal Hospital is not liable for any illness suffered by our pet(s) during or after their stay, including but not limited to Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough).

Contact with Other Pets Terms:

We do not have Doggie Daycare, and we do not allow dogs (or cats) to play with non-family dogs (or cats). In the unlikely event that your pet is injured by another of your family pet housed together at your request, we will have to separate your pets. You release Baseline Animal Hospital and its representatives from any liability for such injury, & understand that in this case there will be additional charges for the additional accommodation.

Medication Terms:

We are able to administer routine medications for chronic conditions; however we are not equipped to care for acutely sick or aggressive pets. Any medication(s) you want to administer to your pet MUST be in the original prescription bottle, prescribed to the pet in our care, and clearly labeled. There is a charge for medications administered. Any complications as a result of use of mediation you provide us may be addressed by the Veterinarians at Baseline Animal Hospital at an additional cost.

Medications you are requesting we administer are as follows:

Emergency Contact:

You must provide a minimum of one adult (over the age of 18) as your representative. Your contact(s) must be someone other than the pet parents, and not be traveling with you.

In the event we cannot reach you, you authorize us to discuss your pet with the person listed below. You agree that this person shall have full and complete authority to make any and all decisions, including those related to the health of your pet, and the expenditure of funds for or on behalf of you and your pet. However, if your pet becomes ill and you cannot be reached by BAH – your representative does not have the authority to euthanize your pet to avoid a bill.


In the unlikely event of an emergency or natural disaster, every effort will be made to contact you or your representative to retrieve your pet. You agree that Baseline Animal Hospital, at its sole discretion, is authorized to transport, &/or make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for your pet until you are your representative can retrieve the pet(s). You further understand that we may not always be possible to safely evacuate your pet(s).

Drop Off/Pick Up Terms:

The lobby is open for check-in and check-out as posted in our lobby. Hours may vary due to holiday or seasonality. We may require government issued identification before releasing the pet(s) as we want to be sure we only release your pet to you or the individual designated by you in writing as authorized to pick up your pet(s). If you are picking up on a day that we are closed (Sunday or holiday) there is a different number to call. (909) 660-2064.

Personal Items Terms:

Baseline Animal Hospital advises against bringing personal items such as carriers, beds, blankets, toys, bowls etc. We will provide said items. We cannot under any circumstance accept bones, rawhides or anything that we deem could be a choking hazard. If you insist on bringing personal items, you acknowledge that your items may be misplaced during your pets stay and release Baseline Animal Boarding from such losses.

Pets not picked up on Departure Date Terms:

If you or your representative do not pick up your pet(s) at the agreed upon day/time, you hereby authorize us to continue to provide the services as set forth in this agreement at your expense. If Baseline Animal Hospital determines, at its sole discretion, that an extension of services is required, payment in full may be required prior to extending such services.

If we do not hear from you, we will attempt to contact you by telephone &/or email using the information provided, advising you that if your pet is not picked up within a reasonable time period, your pet will be deemed to be abandoned, and we will deliver the pet(s) to a third party adoption partner, animal control or other similar agency. You understand that you may lose ownership of your pet under these circumstances.

You will remain liable to us for all unpaid charges, including without limit the court costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred in the collection of charges. If you fail to pick up your pet(s) for any reason, you release Baseline Animal Hospital from all further liability and responsibility for your pet(s).

Miscellaneous Provisions Terms:

This written agreement constitutes our entire and only agreement and there ar no oral agreements or understands except as provided for in this agreement.

Your Representations to Us:

You represent to us that you are the owner of the pet(s) and that you are fully authorized to enter into the agreement. All information about you and your pet(s) are true, accurate and complete.

You represent that to the best of your knowledge, your pet(s) have not been exposed to rabies, kennel cough, distemper, parvovirus or other known illness within 30 days prior to beginning their stay with us. And, to the best of your knowledge your pet has no injury or behavior problems including aggressive or biting behavior, that have not been disclosed us.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, from and against all loss, damage or expense (including attorney’s fees) resulting from misrepresentations by your or your representative or resulting from your pet’s stay including, but not limited to any person claiming to be the owner of your pet and any person claiming damage or injury by your pet.

Payment of Service Terms:

You agree to pay us for the service we will be providing to your pet during the stay with us at the rates set forth at the start of the visit. Prices are subject to change without notice, and seasonal rates may apply. Rate is charged by calendar day, and payment for the stay is expected in full the day your drop off your pet(s) at Baseline Animal Hospital. Any additional fees incurred during your pets stay will be paid on the day of the pet’s departure.

Additional Services Available
for an additional cost

Veterinary Exam - $50.00

Grooming - price varies

Nail Trim - $18.00

Anal Glands - $22.00

Kennel Intake Form